Thanks, Bob. Program Mode combined with auto-ISO up to 1600 seems to
work like a charm indoors.
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
On 11/30/2013 12:52 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> Great catches, Jim. You make that XE-1 work as it should. Program mode seems
> more than adequate.
> --Bob Whitmire
> Certified Neanderthal
> On Nov 28, 2013, at 11:20 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
>> I stopped by a family gathering at my middle son's house today, and met
>> the latest of my 9 great-grandchildren for the first time. With kids
>> and adults in constant motion, I put the X-E1 in Program mode and tried
>> to capture a few images. Here are two that I liked.
>> The youngest GGD is almost 4 months old, and was enthralled with the
>> activities of her older cousins.
>> The youngest GGS was one month old today. Seeing him reminds me that I
>> once had hair like that.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: