Totally swamped these days and seemed to have not appreciated the A7
had an EFC option. Clearly Sony would not cripple the A7R but must have
had trouble getting the data off fast enough to allow for that.
Curiously the sync speed is slower for the A7R so perhaps they
engineered the first curtain as to have less shutter shock and that is
a by product. Is that a reasonable hypothesis? Have not researched
shutter shock on it much yet but they are barely shipping in some
places so probably not much data. The max shutter speeds (1/8k) are the
same but suspect they could do some fancy foot work engineering with
the size of the slit with 2nd curtain or some such to accomplish that.
Curiously the microlenses on the A7R don't seem to dramatically help RF
WA lenses work that well w/o corner smearing/color artifacts. The red
dot people seem to have that market still though they engineered their
sensor explicitly to allow for that.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: