Royal Mail trucks must be exempt. <g>
I thought it was interesting--and pertinent--to see the occasional blue
rectangle with Police instructions to use lay-bys to allow overtaking as well
as accommodating vehicles traveling in the opposite direction. Only encountered
one car that steadfastly refused to pull aside and let folks overtake. He also
didn't have a clue how to use lay-bys for people coming the other way, either.
No matter what, he just kept driving. The line behind him was remarkably
patient, unless they were plotting mayhem at the appropriate time. We turned
off before anything happened. <g>
--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal
On Nov 18, 2013, at 8:12 AM, Chris Barker wrote:
> I didn't notice anyone doing 60 either, Bob. But there is a set of offences
> for people who drive recklessly, and 60 on a small road might be construed as
> a reckless speed.
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