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Re: [OM] IMG: Bar Mitzvah

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Bar Mitzvah
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 08:55:49 -0700
> If you're a professional photographer and you don't know the meaning of
> "Bar Mitzvah" and "Bat Mitzvah" you should proceed forthwith to rectify
> that since they are the source of much photographic revenue.  They
> probably don't pay quite as well as a wedding but there may be many more
> of them.

I do know the meaning, and all that. But the Jewish population here is
not that large and it's also a pretty closed loop with enough
professionals that cater specifically to that community who are of the
community. It's not just a religion thing, but an entire culture,
which is relatively foreign to me. I know of it, but that's not the
same as knowing it.

I wouldn't mind learning how to shoot them, but I'd definitely want to
assist a dozen times first.

Ken Norton
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