I've been told iMacs are the dickens to calibrate, but have never tried to
calibrate Joan's. If you're running Lion, be sure to get the right software to
drive the device. I've never had much luck calibrating my MacBook Pro, but the
x-write i1 does a superb job on the big NEC.
--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal
On Nov 17, 2013, at 3:01 PM, philippe.amard wrote:
> My kids offered me a calibration device today -x-write's i1 display
> pro- as I had voiced concerns that the 3 I-macs do not have the same
> rendition.
> I've just tried to find tips on how NOT to ruin things on the web, yet
> feel somewhat at a loss by the complexity of the process.
> If you have experience to share on the device and I-Macs
> (2007-2009-2012) it is MOST welcome.
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