Have you considered how you will process those humongous files? When I
first opened an X-E1 RAW file, using my elderly PC running XP, I
couldn't believe how long it took the computer to load the file. And
that is only 16mp. I suspect my next purchase will be a new computer,
not camera. :-(
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
On 11/14/2013 3:28 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
>> "Compared to what?" For me at the moment compared to what I have, a lowly
>> 5dii.
>> But it matches the zuikos really well, and has more than enough MPixels for
>> me.
>> I'm really not longing for 34 or more. For my work the combined shift
>> results are already
>> ca. 36-40 mpixels. Way too big for most clients, and details into the last
>> corner.
> I'm considering the gobs-o-megapixels only because I'm going into this
> with the intent that it's going to be a long-term relationship and I
> don't want to find myself longing for more-more-more three years from
> now. My big-honkin camera right now has 7.5mp. I'd probably be happy
> as a clam with 16-18, but if 30+ is available, why not? Might as well
> future-resist myself for a while.
> The reality is that 1/4 of the megapixels is still more than adequate
> for nearly all practical purposes.
> I cast a long uncomfortable glance at an M Monochrome sitting in the
> case. If it was a lady, I'd have been slapped and called a creep,
> stalker or something.
> I went back to the m4/3 case and stared at everything there. It's very
> weird, but I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing. I feel like Jacob
> getting Leah instead of Rachel. Leah (4/3 sensor) is ok, but I really
> prefer Rachel (35mm sensor). I've already put my 7 years in on Leah,
> it's time for 7 years on Rachel.
> AG (a Biblical reference for you heathens) Schnozz
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