Hum. Without taking the trouble to do any further research, my guess is that in
Oz, the meaning has evolved. I might also add that if it's Australian, it's
automatically coarse, but then that would just be rude, and as we all know,
'Murkins are irony-free and infallibly polite. <wink>
--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal
On Nov 13, 2013, at 6:07 PM, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> Coarse? As if. Desert dwellers in Australia are red skinned.
> I used to think it was suntanning but in fact it's staining by the red dust.
> It gets into everything - cameras, food, engines….they get used to living
> with it.
> The 'nonsense' meaning is a side shift from BS but the dust preded that.
>> From a 4WD magazine -
> "Bulldust is a fine talcum powder-like dust that is very common on outback
> Australian tracks. It often occurs in areas where the track gets wet then
> dries and breaks up into fine dust. It is particularly prevalent in areas in
> the far north where it is boggy in the wet season and bone dry in the dry
> when the majority of traffic breaks up the track.
> Bulldust is very deceptive. Looking out your front windscreen it looks like
> smooth hard patches but in fact it usually is a fine covering of dust over a
> deep hole. Driving through bulldust at speed is very dangerous - try to avoid
> bulldust at all times. It can cause damage if sucked into engines too, so in
> very dusty areas you should have a filter on your air intake and check it
> regularly."
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