I am an ardent believer in the right to privacy but in this case the
software cannot do its job if it cant access all parts of the system,
Viruses don't ask for permission they just do thier mischief, I always
personally though, disable any reporting home in all products either in
the product itself or with an "app" I use.
>> But, since MS, in their conditions, state that they have the right to troll
>> through anywhere in
>> my computer they like and send stuff back to MS, I'll give it a miss on my
>> own machine.
>> NSA revisited ...
>> I was somewhat interested in this MS Security Essentials until I read
>> this last portion. I'm not at all comfortable with MS to begin with. I've
>> been using Avast! for years and have not had any trouble with it, but I
>> might try AVG again.
>> Chris
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