Perhaps halfway between Moose's careful version and my quick and dirty
attempt at giving a direction?
I don't like the crop as he now nearly looks out of the picture and in
the wrong direction - notably his right eye - the original is more
balanced in this respect.
Le 5 nov. 13 à 15:55, Bob Whitmire a écrit :
> I'm going to respectfully disagree here, and cast another vote for
> Philippe's version, specifically because he gave the face texture
> that we would expect to be there in men of a certain age. Especially
> icons such as Brian Wilson. If someone has a pic of him, I want to
> see what he looks like, not what his publicist wants him to look
> like. I believe Philippe's version cleaves closer to what I would
> expect.
> That said, I do not disagree about brightness and sharpness drawing
> the eye--especially brightness. In that regard, the shirt indeed
> needs toning down, and perhaps a few distracting elements as well.
> But it's Brian Wilson, so an array of microphones is also not
> unexpected.
> --Bob Whitmire
> Certified Neanderthal
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: