Late last week Century Link installed a New! Improved! WiFi hub at the
coffee shop I've been going to for over a decade. It has password protection
that they say was needed to prevent the downloading of copyrighted material. I
have not had any WiFi access there since then.
We spent over three hours with one of their tech people setting up a
separate channel that would accept WEP/AES security, the thought being that my
laptop was too old, only to find that both channels were totally disabled.
After I left, they were able to restore the WPA2/AES channel, but I still have
zero access there. Oddly, I have full access to any WPA2/AES WiFi enywhere
To make things even more interesting, Wells Fargo had unilaterally changed
my checking account, making an unexpected and unauthorized loan of $300 into
the account. They tell me that I had agreed to the transfer when I first
opened the account back in 1984. News to me as whenever I've had an
overdraught it's just been for the shortage plus a small fee, so this "new
agreement" that I had never agreed to is nothing short of fraud. That account
will be closed by the end of next month.
And Congress is locked in an idiological war that is going to bring this
country to a bitter end at the hands of a distinct minority.
I would really like to emigrate to a civilised country such as France,
Canada, or Britain.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: