Maybe this will help.
The arrow points to four icons. They are directly under the word upright.
Paul in Portland OR
On 10/8/2013 5:23 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> It turns out that I was only at version 8.1. So I upgraded to 8.2
> expecting to see something different. I still don't see what you're
> calling "upright corrections" on the manual tab of the lens corrections
> panel. The only things I see there is what I would expect to see in
> manual lens correction controls: Distortion, vertical and horzontal
> perspective, rotation and scaling. And another panel for lens
> vignetting. Nothing else. And I still don't know what "upright
> corrections" are. Also, there's still no lens profile data in 8.2 for
> any Olympus lens.
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