The mystery picture is four of my bassoon reeds, in an ultrasonic
cleaner. Supposedly it makes them last longer by cleaning the sludge and
enzymes from saliva out of the cane pores. My experience agrees. The
wires and tape are a jerry-rig to keep the reed's binding out of the
water so bits of lacquer or cement don't get kicked loose. I thought the
setup made a pretty pattern.
I've heard that this practice started with Sherman Walt, the late
principal bassoonist of the Boston Symphony. He tried it, and found
that his reeds lasted 3 times as long as before.
Good eye, Steve! You and Jim had an unfair advantage because you have
played the bassoon, but what the heck. My sympathies, brothers.
Honorable mention to Ken for the breast pump. Wishful thinking! :-)
And Bill, I've seen that, too, and yes, it is *very* scary.
> Just for fun. Can you guess what this is?
> < [at] N04/10014853224/>
> :-)
> --Peter
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: