No Longer Blue Moose writes:
>>Correction isn't particularly difficult in PS. I made a duplicate
>>desaturated blue a lot in it, masked it all
>>black, then painted in over the blue areas.
Much better. Superb reminder that it may be more effective/easier to
mask what you don't want than to try and select what you do. Leo now
has acquired some grass stains indicating minor refinement of mask
required but proof of principle is clear. Being of a compulsive sort I
did look at about 30 images with this lens and did find a few with not
dissimilar LCA or what looks like it under some conditions. I did get
home later as a result so don't tell Marnie.
I recall some lenses manifest "optical halation" when stopped down, but
doubt that ocurred here.
This lens design necessitates a bunch of field curvature but not much
of an issue here. Zeiss seems to leave that in to optimize other
parameters and that certainly penalizes a lens shooting flat targets
testing reviews but may not be much of detriment as a photographic tool
as long as it is recognized. I prefer that approach rather than good
test results.
See ya soon!!!!! Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: