So I drove out to the old US 30 drag strip tonight, found my spot, set
up the tripod and configured the E-M5 to bracket 3 shots 1 stop apart.
Then, I shot a bunch of frames. Picked the three best and dropped 'em
into HDR EfX Pro2.
Wowza. That was fairly easy, and I love what I got.
I'll have more photos of the old track - I actually walked the entire
length of the strip down to the return road, but it was getting pretty
dark at that point. I'll try again in daylight. Can't walk all the way
back on the return road - a good chunk of it now runs through a swamp
that's about 4" deep and filled with frogs and birds.
Paul Braun
Certified Music Junkie
Valparaiso, IN
"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever." - David St. Hubbins
"Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life" - Harlan Howard
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: