Chuck wrote
> Well, Big Brother may be watching you but is probably paying you, in
> particular, little attention and you're probably safe from drones.
You probably didn't notice the subliminal message aimed at you. :-)
Yeah, that would be me. As I said to Maggie today when I asked her a
direct question. "I'm hopeless at reading people's minds, and I can't smell
what they are thinking. I HAVE to ask". I think she believes me now.
OTOH I 'can' sense some things in the 'air' quite well. Don't understand why
in one situation and not in another.
Marketers beware - I am averse to having any decisions thrust at me.
I upset my friend Greg who runs Photo and Video, one day, when I
remarked that I thought he was wasting his advertising dollar by buying
full-page newspaper advertisements. I said to him that since I was looking
for "real" news (ie, text) my mind was programmed to skip over full, 1/2 and
1/4 page advert spreads. I see the splash of colour and flick to the next
white space. If he wanted to catch my attention, it had to be small stuff..
I'm not going to start / join any 'flame war' here about who or who is not a
bad guy. But I 'do' have my opinion. I just wanted to share a remarkable
newspaper article which seemed to be full of fact and short on pointless
padding. I was amazed at the technology that could pin-point to within 10
metres, and direct=control weaponry within VERY few seconds, from the
other side of the world.
Brian Swale
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: