Combine "Loony 11" with chimping the histogram. Looney 11 will give you
the correct exposure depending on the elevation of the moon, amount of
water vapor in the air, etc. It's a good starting point but cannot be
precise for all observing conditions. So use Looney 11 as just the
starting point. Chimp the histogram and adjust as necessary. Shoot to
the right and avoid blowing the highlights. But remember that any high
magnification shot is subject to vibration, infernal air currents and
other confounding variables.
Go visit the astronomy club before you go anywhere near buying a scope.
The reason is that there are fundamentally different types of scopes
that are used for different reasons. Lunar and planetary work is one
class of scope. If you go that route you will spend great sums of money
and be able to observe only a few planets and be forever frustrated that
your planetary images don't look like those created by large
observatories. Another class of scope is for "deep sky" work... trying
to observe faint galaxies and nebulae that may extend over a much larger
area of the sky than a planet. This calls for a large diameter,
relatively low power scope which may or may not be motor driven.
Photography of these objects requires long exposures and a motor drive
(most likely) on an equatorial mount.
Another option (and relatively low cost) is to buy a small 4-6"
short-focus reflector telescope on an equatorial mount with motor drive,
use that for direct observing but, for photography, mount a camera on
the scope using a camera lens for the photograph and use the scope only
for guiding the camera during long exposure photos.
See the guys and gals at the astronomy club. They'll show you these
options and the kinds of things available.
Chuck Norcutt
On 7/22/2013 11:25 PM, Paul Braun wrote:
> On 7/22/13 22:21 : , Tina Manley wrote:
>> Use Sunny 16 rule for the moon.
>> Tina
> Ahhh. And a little googling just turned up something called the "Looney
> 11 rule" which is the same, but f11.
> I will try again tomorrow or Wednesday, depending on the sky.
> I'm still aiming for a entry-level scope for Christmas, I think. There's
> a local astronomy club that I may want to visit a couple of times and
> talk to the members.
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