Shallow DoF is a non-issue these days. No need to be concerned about that
at all. DoF gain from the smaller format is actually to our benefit most of
the time.
I agree with Nathan about 4/3. Olympus will do something to save face, but
the fact they killed the promised 100/2 macro says that they aren't going
to do squat about anything further in 4/3.
That said, I believe m43 is where the action is at. They do need to have a
bigger/better body than the OM-D, but they will never run with the big dogs
again. They've screwed the pros too many times and that ship done sailed.
The problem with aiming for the enthusiest crowd is that you only the
flavor of the year for only a year. The number of people already waiting to
dump the E-M5 is telling on how fickle we are.
On Saturday, July 20, 2013, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Both points are senseless in my opinion. A one stop faster lens is
> nothing but a click on the ISO dial these days and even there the larger
> camera with larger pixels has the advantage. As to depth of field
> control a 4/3 format lens needs to be 2 stops faster than a full-frame
> to achieve the same shallow DOF. 1 stop doesn't do it.
> So there's no reason to have the 4/3 lens and therefore no reason to
> have a sliding or any sort of adapter.
> Chuck Norcutt
Ken Norton
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: