Dean writes,
>> Amazing, absolutely
>>amazing. YMMV, of course.
>> Any thoughts, Mike G.?
Oh, didn't see a direct inquiry--didn't mean to be rude.
Hmm, I deal exclusively with endocrine issues and mostly neuroendocrine
at that. If you put my feet to the fire, considering I am no
neurotransmitter expert, would still say the phenomenon largely would
be catecholamine mediated. I am skeptical the manifestations are
related to CNS serotonin. Back in the day when moonlighting as an IM
resident (pre endo fellowship) at a psych hosp, saw a few people with
serotonin syndrome from drug interactions and though hypomania can be
seen they largely were confused agitated, anxious.
That's my 2c.
Chasing stunning wet meadow bfly's with OM gear does nearly the same to
BTW your images of the Bog coppers were very nice indeed. A few were
spotted in MA not too far away from here and they had very impressive
purple iridescent markings. Is that a regional variant?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: