Not really. Lons le Saunier, actually. Heading to Vesoul tomorrow. Had a
good holiday with old friends and new places, met some nice people along
the way.
Wifi thing worked like a charm until south of Reims, since then haven't
been able to get online until yesterday, using the campsite's network.
Just caught up with the seven hundred or so emails on the list, and
surfed the net like there was no tomorrow.
Been a busy holiday, quite tiring at times, but have taken some photos
which I hope will be up when I get home on Tuesday next. Booked the
ferry to Hull today, hoping to book a room in Mondorf les Bains for the
weekend to visit with friends there.
Congrats to the new granddad Chris and the graduating Moses, Lots of
nice photos have whiled away a lazy day in the sunshine here.
Looking forward to catching up at the next wifi spot (which may be home;
no idea if campsite at Vesoul has network).
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: