It's a problem that arises, in part, at least, from the way the Brits and the
Americans runs their businesses: from year to year, and to satisfy the
shareholders in the short term. If they didn't the companies would be taken
over. I understand that other countries, particularly Germany, manage to run
their businesses for the medium term and their employers and customers enjoy
the benefits.
It's one of the reasons that I am not as enamoured with modern buildings as
Nathan, perhaps. They are often now built to be depreciated over a shortish
period, meaning that they will be pulled down before long, as well as looking
pretty bad from Day 30 onwards . . .
I'll try and think of some more broad generalisations while I'm away in France
next week :-)
On 29 Jun 2013, at 16:41, Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Intresting reading. I was reminded of my one-time corporate affiliation with
> The New York Times Co.'s group of regional TV stations and publications. I
> watched the transition from profession-based leadership, i.e., people
> passionate about journalism, to bean-counter leadership, i.e., people
> passionate about the acquisition of money. It wasn't pretty, at least if you
> were profession based.
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