As someone currently in the throes of a copyright infringement case on the
complainant side, I highly recommend nothing whatever that smacks of trademark
or copyright infringement, no matter how innocent. You'd be surprised how hard
the legal beagles for companies such as Time can bite.
it _might_ be possible in this case to claim fair use because you're making one
of your photos look like a Life cover and not offering it for sale, but it's
uncertain at best, and could cost a _lot_ of money to find out. (If you're
doing that for a client, Time lawyers will shred you without compunction unless
you get permission.)
--Bob Whitmire
Registered Neanderthal
On Jun 27, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> I think you're treading on thin ice. I'm sure that Time, Inc (the
> trademark holder for LIFE <>) would not be amused
> at your use of their logo. But your photos are nice as always.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: