That's a great shot, Bob. The attractive red is relieved by the colours of the
couple. The diagonals, however short take the viewer nicely to the centre, I
On 14 Jun 2013, at 13:41, Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Shot this couple as they enjoyed their tokes from the fire escape outside
> their apartment overlooking the West Side's Highline Park. It's a very nice
> leisure space built along an abandoned, elevated train track. Rumor has it
> that some folks who live along the Highline put on displays of a different
> nature, but I didn't see any of that. If you view large, you can tell the
> gentleman's smoke is not about tobacco. At 100% on my machine, you can tell
> the obvious difference between the way tobacco burns, and the way pot burns.
> (Down, people! I used to be a cop-shop reporter. I learned this stuff. <g>)
> The woman's joint is not as obvious, but at 100% you can see they obviated
> the risk of bogarting by arming themselves individually.
> --Bob Whitmire
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: