Thanks! The light was fantastic, which is why I rolled in to harbor side. But I
think the Fuji had a contribution to make, too. I know it allows a preference
for film emulation. I thought that preference would only show in jpegs, but now
I'm wondering if it shines through in RAW as well.
--Bob Whitmire
Registered Neanderthal
On Jun 9, 2013, at 5:31 PM, Chris Barker wrote:
> Just so, Jim. That light did look beautiful, Bob.
> Chris
> On 9 Jun 2013, at 21:14, "Jim Nichols" <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Beautiful light. The subject should lighten up a little and smile; quit
>> worrying about the stranger holding your new toy. I like the background.
> --
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: