It's like the guy who cyber-robs a bank to prove it can be done. The bank
should hire him to do it on the quiet, shut up about it and fix the problem. If
it can be done, fix it quietly, don't invite every socially maladapted nerd to
have a go themselves.
Remember, the first computer virus was written to send lots of people a
Christmas message - the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and fatuous
self justifications.
Andrew Fildes
Author/Publisher: The SLR Compendium -
On 09/06/2013, at 11:49 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> I disagree. Who's to say that it hasn't already been done by someone
> with malicious intent? I think we should know what all of the
> possibilities are. And maybe Apple will be inspired to plug this hole.
> Chuck Norcutt
> On 6/8/2013 6:43 PM, Andrew Fildes wrote:
>> People who do 'proof of concept' stuff like this - and then announce it to
>> the world to demonstrate just how awe-inspiring clever they are, should be
>> held accountable for the consequences. What was the innermost circle of hell
>> again - something about being entombed in ice?
>> Andrew Fildes
>> afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Author/Publisher: The SLR Compendium -
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