CH writes:
>>A very nice looking and unusual night scene, was the concrete road
>>illuminated with daylight balanced lamp? It is so clean that it
>>look like a film shot :-)
Thanks CH! Ektar tends to scan well but my commercial scans (my
scanner defunct for ages)
are sometimes dreadful. There was a lamp not too distant but the
lighting had very mixed sources and it was dusk.
The WB looks about right as it succmbed to maestro Moose's eyedropper.
My WB was slightly different
as I often don't want to ablate the emulsions signature entirely but
the ektar blues can be difficult.
Sometimes I just like/need to pull down the midtone blue in curves a
bit and it still has the "ektar look."
One persons film signature is anothers color cast though.
Scanner blues greater than Ektar blues, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: