To go a little futher, I use sharpness -3 and Noise Filter off.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Nichols" <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> There were two interesting threads yesterday that I wished to investigate.
> Moose discussed halos, and someone mentioned in-camera sharpening with the
> E-3.
> I went into my E-1 menu and reset the in-camera sharpening from "0" to
> "2". I went outside and took several images. What I saw led me to
> believe that my work flow, using Elements 11, did not benefit from the
> in-camera sharpening. Perhaps Olympus software handles it differently.
> What I did note was that the halo around the leaf in this image was
> definitely noticeable, with no sharpening in post-processing.
> I then reset the in-camera sharpening to "0" and tried to repeat the
> image. The lighting had changed somewhat, but the resulting image was
> better, and the halo was less noticeable. I decided I will not use
> in-camera sharpening, because I feel I can do a better job in
> post-processing. Here is the image.
> Comments and critiques welcomed.
> Jim Nichols
> Tullahoma, TN USA
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: