Charlie wrote;
> Early Tuesday morning, between the hours of 1 am to 3:30 am, I was
> enduring Phase II of my preparation for colonoscopy in the morning. Sleep
> was out of the question, so I turned on the TV to pass the time. Most of
> the movie channels were showing old war movies to "honor" the fallen. They
> ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous. I don't recall the movie, but
> one began with a quote from Plato:
I hope your procedure went well.
I've had one done at least 25 years ago, and it was one of the more exciting
underground trips i've ever done. Apart from the 3 days' fasting and bowel
cleansing prior.
They let me watch on the wide-screen viewer. It was utterly fascinating,
pastel-blue walls in this cave with little puddles on the floor - and the
alternate colour was pink. Ribs of cave-wall on the sides ( I gather this might
have been due to diverticulitis) . Then at some point I couldn't tell what the
signal was, the camera and light reversed direction and came all the way out
.... probably a good thing.
All due to my Dad having had 3 kinds of growth which lead to his having one
of the first ( I forget the name of the procedure - but his bowel motions went
into a bag on the exterior of his abdomen) and his surgeon told us 'boys' that
we should be examined every 3 years or so because these things were
sometimes iinherited.
At one stage my Dr said basically " enough of this stuff - lets get you
properly looked at".
I think it cost about $700 at a private hospital; but I'm not sure. I did also
have private insurance then too. It would have been of that order of cost,
not mega-bucks.
The other memorable aspect was how quickly my body recovered after the
long 3-day fast, when I was given a cup of tea and some toast with butter
and ?? marmalade. Within literally just a few minutes I could actually feel
warmth coursing through my arteries and whole body, and energy becoming
restored. Quite amazing.
Brian Swale
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: