Yeah, Smuttynose beers are not bad. I live in the next town over and have
been to that brewery many times. There's some other local breweries that
are as good or better though. Throwback in Hampton NH is my current
favorite for interesting beers.
That said, home brewing generally trumps almost all commercial brews I
have ever had. Eastern Brewer's Bourbon Barrel Porter for example, is the
gold standard of porters, I think. Easily better than the Smuttynose
offering which tastes almost one-dimensional in comparison. I think it
takes some pretty special commercial brews, e.g. $35+ bottles of rare
small batch stuff, to equal the best home brewing results.
As an aside there's a fairly new brewpub in Portsmouth called the Thirsty
Moose, with something like 160-200 beers on tap.
On 5/24/13 5:05 AM, "olympus-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
<olympus-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [OM] IMG: Beer!
>To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Message-ID: <8D0263F9CB1D42C-1168-10D89@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
>Aah, nice selection. One immediate standout is from the brewers of OBD
>(Old Brown Dog) , yes , Smuttynose form Portsmouth, NH.
>Must say was a bit crushed to learn Moose was moving away from American
>Brown ales, but suspect he wouldn't turn down Moose Drool.
>(It is a family business after all)
>The Baltic Porter is usually included in the top 250 and world class
>in its category. (Polygymay Porter is OK for Utah but not in this
>same class) Quite High EtOH--over 9%.
>Pours deep, dark brown, nearly black with no pretense to have a light
>head--remains brown , nice lacing. Aroma of dark fruit, raisins, prune
>, some coffee with detectible EtOH.
>Viscous mouth feel with notes of toasted malt with sweet character
>fading to coffee. Light carbonation with overall moderate complexity,
>but not too obvious. Lingeringly aftertaste of the darker flavors.
>I fear I may be missing something with this brew commentary and
>perhaps in the image.
>Unlike Polygamy Porter, one of these is enough, Mike
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