My son the beer guy is here today. He recognized about 1/3 of the taps.
Nothing that really excited him, and some multiple taps from the same, not top
notch, breweries. Of course, he's in the
business. He just finished the designs for the new taps for the brewery he is
designing for.
I'm sure I'd be happy there. :-)
Plebeian Brew Moose
OTOH, this is a far less interesting looking image, but the beer is Pliny the
Elder, a legendary US beer only available
in a small area near the brewery. The are so fussy about freshness that they
check if a keg hasn't been returned
promptly and will come and remove it if it is no longer fresh.
I sent an iPhone pic of this glass to above son. His reply was that he was
drinking the same brew at home with his
dinner - bottled that day! :-)
The HopMonk Tavern, where I drank this, has 17 local artisan brews on tap, 16
fresh, one intentionally cask conditioned
(and served at 55 deg.) Only 108 bottled brews listed.
But how much do these numbers mean? If there are fabulous, fresh examples of
all major styles on tap, pl;us a couple of
real specials, what more does one need? :-)
By some mysterious alchemy, our return from a short camping trip brought us to
the same place at the same time a week
later. ;-) A second glass confirmed that Pliny the Elder deserves it rep. -
a very, very fine beer! We'll be back.
Oh, and the food is good, too.
Brew Connoisseur Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: