Auckland Writers & Readers Festival is on right now
Quoting from their website ....
New Zealand´s largest literary and ideas festival presenting over 100 NZ and
international writers in hour-long sessions and panel discussions.
Renowned international writers Kate Atkinson and Ben Goldacre will appear
at the Auckland Writers & Readers Festival from 15-19 May 2013 at the
Aotea Centre in Auckland.
Kate Atkinson is one of the world´s most popular fiction writers. Her books
include the literary hit Behind The Scenes At The Museum and the series of
Jackson Brodie crime novels. Atkinson´s much anticipated new novel Life
After Life will be released in April 2013.
Dr. Ben Goldacre is an epidemiologist and Guardian columnist known for
the bestselling non-fiction book Bad Science which has sold hundreds of
thousands of copies and been translated into 25 languages. His latest work
Bad Pharma takes aim at the distortion of science in the interests of the
pharmaceuticals industry.
AND, among them Jeremy Scahill.
Radio New Zealand has wonderful inter]views, documentaries etc on
Saturday and Sunday mornings. This morning (Saturday) was no exception.
Kim Hill the host had Jeremy Scahill: (America's dirty wars) on air for 51
Quoting from the RNZ website,
Author of the new book "Dirty Wars, an expose of America's covert
foreign policy operations", and the producer and writer of a documentary of
the same name. (51´27´´) 18 MB
Scahill is an investigative reporter who has been covering "war zones" for
maybe as much as 20 years. ( he did say, but I don't remember the number
he quoted.)
I recommend that if you have ANY interest in what the USA is doing
overseas, you download this MP3 and listen at your leisure, or listen to it
It exceeded my worst guesses by a wide margin.
Brian Swale.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: