Gets my attention too. Nice shot of an excellent clematis. I like that
variant quite a bit.
We have had ours for perhaps 10 years and it massively outgrew all the
garden trellises we obtained.
Here is our version:!i=978778923&k=jVrbPKB&lb=1&s=L
I am 99% sure OM2 with Big Foot, Koduck UC100.
We were getting a few things at the nursery and at my urging we just
purchased an arbor-- and that should be that.
Instructions said 2 adults hould take 20min to construct. Hah, took
Marnie and I 1 hr 20min with the two allen wrenches they supplied and a
dearth of diagrams.
I think by the 10th we could get it down to 45min but it is very
fussy/awkward to line up the bolts.
Oh, here is the arbor and if you look hard you can see the baby
clematis on either side. It will be awhile yet to we see anything
interesting. Don't look at 100% though as the SS was a tad low
and it was supposed to be a grab shot just to send to Marnie's
identical twin sister. I had a 'pod within 20ft, and had I known I was
going to like the shot would have taken the extra 3min.!i=2495277684&k=vpLVXFM&lb=1&s=L
OK clematis see if you can outgrow this one, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: