Very interesting.
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Whitmire" <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 12:27 PM
Subject: [OM] (Severely OT) DNA analysis
> For Christmas this year my beloved gave me the National Geographic Geno
> 2.0 kit. You send them two samples of your DNA, obtained via cheek swabs
> (just like on all the crime shows) and a few months later Nat Geo contacts
> you with your results. Your DNA can track you from the mother of us all,
> aka Mitochondrial Eve, who lived in Africa 180,000 years ago. Using
> genetic markers, they can tell the route you took and which world
> populations you are related to.
> According to Nat Geo, I'm 42% Northern European, 37% Mediterranean, and 18
> percent Southwest Asian (totals are not necessarily right on the 100%
> mark). Turns out I'm a distant relative of my Persian daughter-in-law. My
> particular group was the first to migrate out of Africa. Further analysis
> of my current makeup shows that my first reference population is from the
> United Kingdom, and my second reference population is German. My name is
> German, but apparently the German blood was overwhelmed by my UK
> ancestors. Hum. Didn't see any mention of Irish, which is odd, because my
> mother was a MacCarthy. I suppose Ireland could have been included in the
> UK, but I'm also sure the Irish would have objected. <g>
> And, to the delight of Esteemed Wife, I'm 2.1% Neanderthal, and 1.8%
> Denisovan. Makes me almost 4% "cave man," which apparently Joan has no
> problem believing. (Most of us living outside of Subsaharan Africa have up
> to 4% Neanderthal and/or Denisovan ancestry. Denisovans are related to
> Neanderthals but more Asian in origin.)
> For some reason it doesn't surprise me I max out on the Neanderthal &
> Denisovan content.
> Get a kit. Have some fun.
> NeanderBob
> --
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