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Re: [OM] A Tribute to my Father

Subject: Re: [OM] A Tribute to my Father
From: "C.H.Ling" <ch_photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 13:49:02 +0800
I am sorry for your loss and understand it well. My father die at early
2010,  he had Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but die of a sudden
stomach bleeding.

My father-in-law found pancreatic cancer last august. Just seven months
after surgery the tumor spread over various organs and nothing can be done
now. He is over 80 and was very active before the surgery, he travelled a 
lot. He didn't seems to be very painful at the moment, I wish he goes 

It is always hard when family member come to the last moment.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Braun" <pbraun42@xxxxxxxxx>

Please remind yourself of this photo first, then read the rest if you're
so inclined. Thank you.


Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 was a beautiful, warm sunny Spring day in
Southern Illinois, the kind of day that makes you want to play hooky
from school or work and work in the garden or go to the zoo, or maybe go
to St. Louis to catch a Cardinals game.

And it was on that day, surrounded by friends and family, that my
father, August Braun, peacefully went home to be with The Lord after an
8-year-long, hard-fought battle with cancer.

It was something that we were all expecting, and something that he had
been praying for, but while that helps ease the pain a little, there is
still an Augie-sized hole in the lives of his family and friends. No
matter what, losing a parent hurts. I was on Amtrak on my way down when
I got the call. I felt pain, but I also felt relief and peace. I knew he
was now in a better place and cancer-free.

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