That camera appears to need a bit of firmware rework. "Internal Storage
Full" appears to be a mighty strange error message for a card that's
inserted wrong end first and that can't possibly have any of its
electrical contacts engaged. I wonder what the message is with no card
inserted and if it can somehow tell the difference?
Chuck Norcutt
On 4/27/2013 6:36 PM, Moose wrote:
> On 4/27/2013 5:20 AM, Andrew Fildes wrote:
>> I was talking to a woman the other day - she had a Canon something or other,
>> one of those fixed lens, long zoom pseudo-SLR compacts. She asked me what
>> this weird piece of plastic was around the front half of the lens. It didn't
>> seem to do anything, got in the way and kept coming off. Was it a protective
>> cover? No, Lea, it's the lens hood mounted in reverse.
>> "Er, what's a lens hood?"
> We've had house guests, a couple from Canada for 6 days and now a friend from
> Maine for 5. So I'm behind on the list
> again, and we were out at an interesting botanical garden yesterday.
> Sensibly under an arbor, one woman, probably mother, was trying to take a pic
> of another, likely her daughter, and
> clearly having trouble. I offered to take their pic together. She said
> thanks, but she kept getting an error message,
> which she showed me, 'Internal Storage Full'.
> I asked about the card. She was unsure if she had it in, and handed me the
> camera. It didn't take long to find the
> problem; the card was inserted wrong end in. The designers of SD cards made
> it impossible to put in with the contacts on
> the wrong side, but not wrong end in. Of course, it wouldn't latch in, but
> the door would close over it ...
> With the card in correctly, I took a snap of them together and went on my
> merry way, followed by encomiums wafting on
> the breeze.
> I saw them a few times as we wandered, happily taking snaps of the gardens. I
> felt good. :-)
> Tech Support Moose
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