Yes, that post gets in the way, as it were, Philippe, but it's part of the
whole. And since the whole picture rejoices in a virtual cacophony of shapes,
shadows and dazzles, the discordance of the post's contribution is appropriate.
On 21 Apr 2013, at 10:56, philippe.amard@xxxxxx wrote:
> But is it a single shot or a collage (or similar)?
> One shot - I sweated a bit when "printing" it - some artefacts have been
> pointed to me though ...
> And I can't get rid of that slanted post that annoys some viewers ... but is
> part of what was there even though I hadn't seen it blinded as was by the
> headlights through a long lens ...
> It was an action shot and a second take I haven't rescued was ruined by the
> headlights fooling the auto everything mode I was working in ...
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