True. My life, especially with sheet film, got a lot easier when Velvia went to
And I have to admit, much as I love digital and will _never_ go back (unless
Zone-10 does the grunt work for me), there was no feeling like getting home
from Maine Coast Photo in Camden and throwing those 4x5 Velvia transparencies
out on the lightbox. For the most part, they were Woohoo! moments.
But don't tell anyone I said that, okay?
On Apr 20, 2013, at 4:50 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
>> Yeah, but man, Velvia was so, you know, _limiting_. I mean, ISO 50, like
>> everything had to be on a tripod and you couldn't shoot lots of stuff
>> because the light was low and stuff was moving and then if you didn't nail
>> it, like it was a real bummer unless you used a lot of bracketing, and,
>> well, digital is just so, you know, _flexible_. <wink>
> OK, OK, you busted me.
> My preference is Velvia 100 (not 100F) and Provia 100F. For B&W, I'm
> mostly using rebranded Plus-X (at 100) and Delta 100.
> That extra stop really does make a lot of difference. It's amazing how
> going from 50 to 100 is such a HUGE step, but going from 100 to 200 or
> 200 to 400 is incremental.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: