Ken -
I have a Jobo ATL-1000 sitting unused in my darkroom. It worked flawlessly
for years and is totally automatic. I have all of the tanks and reels. I
think it processes 8 to 16 rolls at a time. I used it for B&W and E-6. It
requires hot and cold water hook-ups. You are welcome to it if you can
figure out how to get it from here to there. I know I'll never go back to
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The Zone-10 darkroom is going live this weekend! (cheers, balloons,
> whistles)
> We've got a couple customer rolls to process, along with a few dozen
> of my own rolls. Next weekend, we've got contact sheets to make for
> several hundred customer negs. So, we're off to a decent start.
> Both daughters are stepping up to the plate and taking an active roll
> in this. DD#1 is working on back-office and marketing issues and DD#2
> is helping with darkroom construction. We've got a lot of work to do,
> but we made the decision to get this thing launched now and do what we
> can until we need the big enlarger. With the business coming in, the
> last thing we want to do is wait any longer.
> It looks like we're going to contract with at least one large camera
> store for their outsourced B&W, which is running up to a half-dozen
> rolls per week. Not much, but we don't NEED much. If we can average
> six customer rolls a week with contact prints, and a half-dozen
> enlargements, we're actually going to be hitting our revenue targets
> for Year #1. Oh, and a couple rolls scanned.
> Which is probably a realistic target. Who knows for sure. I believe it
> is important to get into digital contact negatives as quickly as
> possible, as that will be another revenue source.
> The biggest issue that we're going to be dealing with is rightsizing
> the business. I know there is enough business out there to keep us
> busy, but we're wanting to find the time/demand balance which won't
> negatively affect the family. There isn't enough business to run this
> as a full-time commercial operation. There most certainly isn't enough
> business to leverage anything. We're cash-flowing this thing only.
> I was asked if we're going to be offering E-6. I WOULD offer it in a
> heart-beat, but I don't have a processor. I will NOT buy a processor.
> The ROI just isn't there. But if a lab were to donate one to the
> cause, I'd do it. Cost per roll is OK if I only have to cover my time
> and materials, however, it would be impossible to cover the cost of
> the equipment.
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
> --
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