Nope, no more Krappy Kolor laptop. I'm using my nicely calibrated 24"
Dell IPS display. Sorry if I didn't make myself clear. If you do agree
with the first statement you're agreeing that the images have no
appreciable difference as I have also determined with my Dell display.
In order for ACR to make them both look the same using the same settings
the data it was given to work with must also be very similar. That
means that what was produced by the hardware/firmware is also basically
the same. That also means that, if you do see differences in future
images, it can only be the software processing the images or different
settings in the camera firmware.
Chuck Norcutt
On 4/12/2013 1:35 PM, DZDub wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Chuck Norcutt <
> chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> There's not much to choose from in this comparison. I think you're now
>> actually comparing software and not hardware or even firmware. If ACR
>> makes them look the same using the same settings then I conclude the
>> hardware has produced nearly the same result in both.
> Are you still on the KrappyKolor laptop?
> I agree with the first statement. I don't follow the reasoning on either
> of the other two statements, either separately or in how they go together
> logically.
> Joel W.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: