I don't have a Fuji, but I'd expect it to be similar to the process-update
from LR 3.x to 4.y. Like a small circle with a '!' in it in develop mode,
in the right lower corner next to the picture? And if you click on it, it
might give you the opportunity to redevelop just that picture or the whole
Good luck, Frank.
2013/4/10 SwissPace
> In this LR update adobe improved the raw support for the xtrans sensor,
> so my question is when does it process raw images, am I correct in
> assuming that the previews would be using the old converter and that I
> would have to remove them all and then all images I see would be using
> the new raw processor as it creates the images on the fly.
> one thing that also puzzles me is that does it make a difference what
> size you make a preview if you applying sharpening, do you see the
> effect of sharpening on the preview or the raw processed image and if so
> when does it change from preview to processed image.
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