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[OM] Some older stuff

Subject: [OM] Some older stuff
From: Paul Laughlin <pelaughlin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2013 21:42:00 -0700
I will start off with saying that since these three images were taken, 
both my expertise and equipment have improved a lot. The quality is what 
it is.  I find the content worth keeping.LOL
My wife put out several filbert nuts on the sidewalk for the crows and 
this crow showed up.  It, obviously, did not want to leave the second 
nut behind.  So, using a foot, it pushed the first nut back into the 
beak so as to make room for the second one.  The problem, though, was 
that the first nut kept the beak from closing enough to pick up the 
second nut.
These days, I would definitely shoot video of it. LOL
Just might try to set it up again.  Could possibly work. LOL
Paul in Portland OR
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