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[OM] In Memoriam

Subject: [OM] In Memoriam
From: Tina Manley <images@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 13:05:44 -0400

Our wonderful barn cat, Rooster, did not recover from his injuries.  When
we got back late last night, Roo was sleeping in the nest box in the
chicken house, as usual, but did not get up to greet us.  I just thought he
was sleeping too soundly.   This morning he was lying by the hay bales and
it was obvious, in spite of the fact that he was purring loudly, that he
was hurt.  I expect he had a run-in with the racoon that has been killing
chickens lately.  We called the vet and got a cat carrier, but when we went
back out to the chicken house, Roo was gone.  Tom thought that was a good
sign, but he went back out later to look and found Roo dead in front of the
guinea house.


He was a good cat.  RIP, Rooster.


Tina Manley, ASMP
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