No, not a standard OM cable release. This is what we were using
which I bought specifically for the E-M5 but it looks like it will work
on all Oly E-thingies.
Dr. Flash was there but appeared to be a bit flustered. He had assumed
that the twin T-32s even operating at half power in manual would
overpower the camera's minimum 200 ISO. Frustration arose after much
experimentation showed that the flash arrangement was simply not
responding in an expected fashion. Ultimately it did end up that most
of the exposure variation was done with ISO on the camera but only after
finding flash positions and settings that appeared to be producing
repeatable results. And your suggestion of using the polarizers might
just have been what was need to tame the flash power at such close
settings. And, of course, operating in manual mode we wouldn't have
been dependent on the response of the auto sensor to oblique angles and
The T-32s are the right thing to use for size but the wrong thing to use
for manual control. Maybe the polarizers and some ND filters would make
a big difference. I'm sure it can be done but we ran out of time
yesterday. Next year we'll be smarter.
Chuck Norcutt
On 2/15/2013 5:33 PM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Looks like fun--nice shots too. So the OM-D can be activated by a
> standard cable release?
> I seem to recall Moose during his visit could have a fxn key set to
> magnify the LCD in and auto adjust have the cam auto-gain to have a
> reasoanble bright view, but clearly a ton of things to adjust at once.
> I am surprised Dr. Flash (if he made the Fla trip) didn't insist on a
> trial of the cross pol technique with the T32's in manual and using the
> ISO to adjust exposure. You didn't seem to be bothered by specular
> highlights anyway on the subjects shown.
> Couldn't tell for sure , but perhaps you were using a Lepp bracket to
> hold the flashes? Very nice spidy indeed but not quite as attractive as
> some jumpers. I trust Dean knows its species.
> Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: