this is indeed where the ZD 7-14 would come handy ...
flash is tricky in any case, WB might well be the lethal issue
Else if you're too long, you might try to get some shiny round
artefact and figure out something like this ;-)
Quick and dirty shot at 120mm
Also for fun and from a little further away
Hope this helps
Le 14 févr. 13 à 20:38, Moose a écrit :
> On 2/14/2013 7:13 AM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
>> As it happens, I've been roped into a commercial shoot this coming
>> Tuesday. Some of you will be delighted to learn that it involves
>> aircraft. My cousin's pilot is developing a web site to try to
>> increase his flying business, and the two of them have shanghai'd
>> me into doing the photography. I think I'll get paid, but I'm not
>> sure, and it doesn't really matter because once again I'm lunging
>> far outside my comfort zone.
>> According to the pilot, he's looking for some industry standard
>> type photos, some of which will be aircraft interiors with tray
>> tables down and muffins and coffee and stuff. I looked at a few
>> sites and saw exactly what he was talking about. Boring as hell,
>> but illustrative and designed to appeal to the 1%.
>> The most important question is this: Will 24mm be wide enough to
>> get good, in proper proportion shots of the interior of the
>> aircraft? (I assume said aircraft will be the small Citation.
> I'm a gonna disagree with everybody else on this one point. For
> this, you WANT distortion - of apparent space. You want
> to make the space look/feel more spacious than it really is. And the
> best tool for that is a wide angle lens.
> You can do it with a 24; the zoom will be perfect for the detail
> shots. The problem with stitching is the many strong
> lines, few of them actually straight/square, that have to be lined
> up with each other to look right. Seems to me a
> formula for deep frustration, back in the digidark. I wouldn't want
> to walk into that job without something no longer
> than 18 mm.
> Picture yourself in the space, then imagine a 90 deg. angle of view.
> Is that enough? Will less be enough? That's the
> horizontal AOV of 18 mm on FF.
> I'll leave all the other stuff to others much more expert than I.
> Spacious Moose
> --
> What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
> --
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