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Re: [OM] Classic Retro Lens Hoods

Subject: Re: [OM] Classic Retro Lens Hoods
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 14:34:40 -0800
On 1/25/2013 8:12 AM, Chris Barker wrote:
> Why can't Olympus make a decent little lens like the 20/1.7?

I'm pretty sure they 'can'. Who knows how product planning is done in any 
company. A product doesn't go into production 
until someone or, more likely in Japan, a committee, decides it fits into 
larger scale plans and is projected to 
increase overall profit. Likely even detailed design requires such approval.

It appears that Oly is still differentiating prime lenses into different 
categories, lower/consumer = f2.8, higher = 
f1.8, highest = ED f2.0, although the last two may be just one.

Although we assume their heritage has been forgotten by younger people in the 
company, I wonder if some older people at 
the top (at least until recently) might be steering clear of 20 mm, remembering 
the failure of the old 40/2, and going 
with the 4/3 eq. of a classic focal length, 35mm.

If so, it appears they may have misunderstood the problem with the 40/2, that 
it wasn't the focal length, so much as 
that IQ was sacrificed for size/weight and price, and repeated the mistake with 
the 17/2.8.

I'm guessing that the new 17/1.8 will correct the performance problem, for a 
price in cost, size and weight.

Still, the current situation shows the advantage for the buyer of the 
consortium approach started with 4/3. The range of 
primes available is greater than we could hope for from one maker so soon after 
introduction of a new type and format of 
camera, µ4/3 MLC. Thirteen AF primes from 8 to 75 mm, two super fast MFs and a 
300 mm MF lens is quite extensive.

> It's about time they got legendary again with their digital lenses, as it 
> were.

On 1/25/2013 1:46 PM, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> Aren't they trying to do that with lenses like the 12mm?
> Shame it's so pricey, but the 45mm isn't chopped liver.

And there you have it! Cheap and decent? Or great and pricey?

Whatever you want, there are others who want the other. The trick for the maker 
is to get the mix right to make a little 
money - and stay in business.

What? Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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