Thank you, David
It wil be interesting to watch.
David Young wrote:
Some weeks ago, I'd ordered a copy of the recently released book, "Exposure -
Inside the Olympus Scandal ... or how I went from CEO to Whistleblower", by
Michael Woodford.
It is the story of the Olympus scandal (and their near collapse) from the
viewpoint of their rather short term, English or "gaigin" (outsider)
It had finally arrived & I picked up the book on our way through Kamloops as we
headed out of town, last Wednesday. By Thursday night, just after midnight,
I'd finished it.
The first two thirds of the book reads like a crime thriller and I couldn't put
it down! The last third is a bit more prosaic, though still interesting, as he
goes through the fallout... which is still going on.
I've read many a book that was not nearly so well written, nor anywhere near as
good a story line. And, it's all true!
The story, as given in the news reports, is (a) incomplete and (b) not very
close to what actually happened.
Interestingly, he points out that there is still more to the story, but his
lawyers would not let him include some points, as, I assume, he does not have
the proof to back those portions of the story, even if he knows what happened.
The book reminded me of Robert Redford's "All the President's Men" - the movie
about the American's Watergate scandal. Even though you'd read about it in the
newspapers, for months, the movie gave so much more insight in to what really
happened that, even though you knew the ending, you could not help but watch in
But when you read the book, by Woodstien (Carl Bernstien and Bob Woodward) you
discovered that there was still, much more to learn and be fascinated by.
"Exposure", by Micheal Woodford, is such a book. I'll not be surprised if they
make a Hollywood movie out of it. And soon.
If you have an interest in Olympus or business, or cameras, or simply enjoy a
good intrigue I cannot recommend Exposure, highly enough.
Apparently, the Japanese translation is one of the best-sellers, in Japan,
which is, I guess, not surprising.
In Canada, I got the hardcover (all that's available, here) for under $20, so
it's not an expensive read, either.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: