My previous employer had GPS units in trucks reporting back to a central
server. In some instances the GPS units reported obviously inaccurate
speeds (fairly often in excess of 150kph, one I noted @275kph !). The GPS
units generally appeared to behave ok and these spurious speeds would only
be registered for a few samples over a day. The problem was that you could
never be really certain of the speed, if the unit registered 100kph over the
legal limit you could say it was spurious, but what if it was 10kph over the
limit, spurious or actually speeding ? I presume too that if the GPS units
were registering spurious high speeds they probably were registering
spurious low speeds also.
> In South Australia we have a 10% accuracy requirement. This takes into
> account tyre wear and speedometer mechanical inaccuracy. It appears that,
> from the doppler devices I have eyaballed in passing on foot (many years
> ago), that they were set to 10% of the limit +2km/h (this is probably no
> longer accurate!). We have many devices capturing this sort
> of thing now:
> 1- car mounted doppler speed cameras (always cosine corrected though)
> 2- red light intersection cameras (now almost all replaced with (3))
> 3- 'safety cameras' looking for both red light & speed violations at
> intersections (2 & 3 are inductive coil delay triggered) Re the GPS, a
> years ago, a motorist was tagged at a safety camera intersection as
> He happened to be route recording with the GPS unit, and was able to show
> that he was in no way speeding, & the case was dismissed. Soon after this
> the laws chaned so that GPS evidence was no longer admissible in these
> cases...
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