In some cases there is purple reflections and its more flare prone, its
as sharp as the fantastic zuiko but in image quality thats the only
comparison to its big brother
On 1/18/13 11:37 PM, Frank Wijsmuller wrote:
> Very nice. Like the processing as well.
> The one with the chair and the rope. Suicidal...
> Do you like the 7-14mm on the OM-D? There were some reports about purple
> reflections of light sources on the web? Did you see them? I would like
> one, although my 9-18mm is OK.
> Best, Frank.
> 2013/1/18 SwissPace
>> This gallery a mixture of pictures from the OMD with Panasonic 7-14 and
>> the XPro-1 with 18mm is the result.
>> <
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: