If someone is going to steal the image at any size, they're only going to be
able to use it on the web. I set the resolution on my display jpegs at 72
pixels, which I assure you, makes for a very lousy print because I've tried
saving one of my own photos off the web and then printing it. It's horrible.
And if they want to use it on the web, seems like the smaller size would suit
just as well.
I use Digimarc watermarking on all my web photos, which allows me to track
their usage. So far I haven't encountered any image theft. Could be wrong, but
doesn't most of that happen on Flickr and other sites where the image count is
very high and pickings are easy? Not to offend, but how likely are non-list
persons to find our galleries, much less cop images from them? Just wondering.
It would be nice to think that we're all so talented that eventually the entire
photo-loving world will be checking our galleries every day to see what's new,
but unless Andrew starts posting more of his educational photos distinguishing
between garters and suspenders and such, I don't think that's likely to happen.
On Jan 9, 2013, at 4:07 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
> The disadvantage of having it set to everybody instead of registered
> users is image theft.
Options: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/listinfo/olympus
Archives: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/private/olympus/
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/