Here is just means to chat.
My iPhone's road navigation system gives me the choice of voice; I've chosen a
husky, slightly French one . . .
On 7 Jan 2013, at 12:36, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> No, I don't think it's a common word in the US and maybe my usage isn't
> correct. I use it in a sense of bothersome chatter. I would be most
> likely to use the word to describe my old Gabby Garmin GPS's useless
> chatter when I get admonished for ignoring her instructions... turn
> here... make a U turn as soon as possible... make a U turn as soon as
> possible... recalculating... etc, etc... :-)
> ps: I just bought a new Chrysler whose nav system is much more gentle in
> admonishing me for failure to follow instructions. :-)
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