2012/12/19 Ken Norton wrote:
> What has me knotted up, though, is model-releases. The way the
> user-agreement is written, Instagram wipes its hands free of any
> liability in concern to model-releases and opens up the photographer
> to lawsuits if one of the images is sold without a model-release. So,
> basically, we're doubly hosed because we have to make sure that we
> never Instagram a photo without model-releases of everybody in it and
> we get no money for the use of the photo. So, the photographer assumes
> 100% of the liability without any benefits.
> This really is uglier than what meets the eye.
Sharp. Think you are right, great to live in a country with so much skilled
lawyers ;-).
> I've been pointed to several examples
> already.
Can you share these? That would be interesting.
Thanks, best, Frank (who is only on Flickr)
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